Monday, March 24, 2008

Editing photos

I'm the first to say I don't have photo shop and have never been a "photographer". Sometimes I feel like my photos could be so much better! And a lot of the time you can make them better just by editing them. Photoshop is fairly expensive and I know I would never use all the different options it offers. So I found picknik.comand I love it! The basic editing options are free. You just upload your photo and it's easy to edit to black and white, sepia, contrast colors and more! You can "fix" your photos, crop them, and save them back to your computer to print, or just print right there. Now if you do want some of the upgrade options, which are very cool, it's only $24.95 a year! I did do the upgrade, but for the first couple of months I just used the basic editing options and really got some great looks to my photos! Go check it out and see what you think!

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