Monday, January 15, 2007

My new scrap space...

It was a busy weekend to say the least. We've been in our new house for almost 4 months now. Can't believe it's been that long! We're slowly checking off our home to-do list. My hubby is almost finished putting tile in our bathroom. It's looking awesome. We've been organizing the garage. We've done a lot of purging which equals a lot of trips to Goodwill. We're slowly getting settled. Our goal is to get our house the way we want it NOW rather than right before we sell. Which tends to happen to a lot of people. They put off chores until they're ready to move. Then they finally get their house where they want it and then they sell it! Only to start over at a new house. I see it all the time on the design to sell shows.

This weekend, we worked on my scrap area. I've been scrapbooking for 12 years and have never had my own space. I finally used a gift card to Lowes and bought a cabinet to use as the base to my scrap table. I was just going to go for a simple table. My wonderful husband had other ideas. He built me a VERY sturdy table and is putting granite tiles on the top. It's looking fabulous so far! He was up until the wee hours of the morning working on it. I feel so blessed to have a husband that goes out of his way to do nice things for me.

I can't wait until it's done. Finally I'll be able to have my stuff out where I can see it and use it. My main problem is that all of my stuff is in scrapbook totes where I can't see it. Or when I want something I can't FIND it! We've been having a great discussion on my message board about organization. Come join us and share what you've done to stay organized! My Message Board

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